Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vegan cats!

Two nights ago Lindsay and Ashley came over to vegan bake.  In typical form, Sheila showed off quite a bit.  But then she calmed down enough to make herself at home on top of the table...

Lindsay in action with the Kitchenaid.  I think I've convinced her that she needs one. Ahem, Travis.  You can keep the floor bed, but upgrade on this.

Last night I came home after being kind of crazy busy so I relaxed in the chair with Paul right on top of me, as usual.  On his back, stomach on full display.  Sheila prefers a loftier position, as demonstrated below.  This is to also show that while bringing over the cat stand was a good idea in theory, they have never used it since, for any purpose.  But at least she's making use of my TV...

And finally, a text conversation with Lyndi.  About the pusses.  Puss plural, if you will. I also sing the phrase, "What's new pussy cat?  Whoa oh oh?" literally every time I walk in the door.

They also haven't thrown up for a few days so that's nice.  And now I've probably jinxed myself upon my return home this evening.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We didn't have a good morning.

I found kitteh puke on my rug.  I spoke too soon yesterday.  I don't understand the puking.  It is also an extreme mental effort to not throw up while cleaning it up.  I literally tell myself, "Mind over matter. Stop gagging and grow up."

THEN I locked myself out of my  house dumping the cat litter because it was trash day.  That was fun.  I'm considering the following two options to deal with some of this.

J/k, Jake.  Mostly.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A lolcat puzzle

If you combine these two:

With this one:


It equals:

In case you need some help with this puzzle:
I came home from working out at 6:15 this morning to find kitteh puke on my floor.
Con:  Kitteh puke on my floor.
Pro:  It was on the wood floor rather than my rug.
Con:  I almost puked right on top of it while I cleaned it up.
Pro:  Instead of mopping my floor tonight like I was planning, I got it done at 6:20 a.m.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

the pros and cons of living with cats

There's someone to greet you when you get home.
Con:  You feel guilty when you're at work for more than 12 hours.
Pro:  They give you an excuse to lay in bed for 2 hours because they just want to hang out.
Con:  There is hair on my bed.
Pro:  They're pretty low-maintenance as far as care--minus scooping litter.
Con:  You feel like a crazy cat lady buying cat food on a Saturday night.
Pro:  If you spend enough time with them, they start to like you.
Con:  If you're away too much, they notice and then whine incessantly.
Pro:  Cats are mysterious and interesting.
Con:  Cats are mysterious and slightly scary. Point made in picture form below:
Pro:  They're fun to talk to.
Con:  You realize you're crazy that you talk out loud that much alone and have thus become the self-fulfilling prophecy of "crazy cat lady."
Pro:  They start to like you enough that they follow you around, even Sheila.
Con:  They start to like you enough that they follow you around and get hair everywhere.
Pro:  The cat hair makes you want to clean more.
Con:  You realize your vacuum cleaner doesn't have attachments to clean your furniture.
Pro:  They can be funny, like when their giant cat bodies take up an entire bar stool.
Con:  While they're funny, they like to scratch your furniture:
Pro:  I'm learning cats aren't so bad, and it's only been a week!
Con:  Jake had to go to freaking India for 2 1/2 weeks in order to realize this.

How much is that kitteh in the window?

Oh yes, still capturing moments of the kittehs.  

"Cat dad?  Is that you?  Cat dad, where are you?"-Paul
"Screw cat dad!  I just want to go outside, Paul!" -Sheila
"Don't be such a bitch, Sheila.  He really misses us right now."-Paul
"Oh, look!  A shoe!  I think I'll go sit on it. I'm sorry, were you saying something, Paul?"-Sheila

"Paul, what do you say we claw out this screen and jump to our freedom?"
"Sheila, you know I have bad hips..."

Friday, August 24, 2012

The secret life of cats

Last night Paul and Sheila were in my room never.  Which means they were likely roaming and doing who knows what.  Like below.

Also, I found Sheila in one of my baskets like this in the closet but couldn't catch her with my camera.  She likes to be naughty right when I get home such as jumping on all spaces she's not supposed to, scratching at everything and playing with lamp cords.  Oh yes, and jumping on Paul.  Then they kitty cat made out for a bit.

And finally, this is me in a lolcat.  The resemblance is striking, don't you think?

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Last night Paul and Sheila had some visitors and decided to show off for them by clawing at the dining room chairs, the living room chairs, and jumping up on the bar stools when someone stood up.  Okay, you're right.  That wasn't both of them.  Just Sheila.  Here she is being badass:  

She was just so drunk she couldn't help herself.  We found her like this after we heard a delightful song that she made up on the spot.  A Beethoven Kitteh if you will.

And then I put myself on my own team for taking pictures of the cats doing cute cat things, such as this:

Jake, you can go ahead and sign me up for Best Girlfriend of the Year award.